The Fashion Merchandising Internship will provide students an opportunity to gain experience in real live work placement within the retail, fashion industry. This placement into a local company will allow students to gain insight into the reality of the working environment of this field and how teamwork, leadership, management, creativity and cultural workplace settings, all collaborate. Students are expected to analyze their own work progress and where their developments are achieved; recording their strengths and areas where to improve as an individual in such a setting. Students are expected to record what they have learned in both skills and knowledge and what they had attributed to a company. This will provide the student a sense of early awareness of where and how they begin their career pathways in this line of work.
The permission of taking this option will be supervised under an instructor. This will be a pass/fail outcome once a student has completed the internship review period.
Please Note:
The Fashion Merchandising Internship is not a compulsory course and does not affect a student towards graduation, if not taken. This course can, however, increase a student’s overall GPA/extra credit outcome.