إشعار هام | Important Notice
نود إبلاغكم بأنه قد تم نقل نظام إدارة التعلم (Moodle) إلى موقع جديد. يرجى استخدام الرابط التالي للوصول إلى النظام الجديد:
يرجى تحديث إشاراتكم المرجعية واستخدام الموقع الجديد لمتابعة دروسكم ومحتوياتكم التعليمية.
شكراً لتعاونكم.
إدارة تقنية المعلومات
Box Hill College Kuwait
We would like to inform you that the Learning Management System (Moodle) has been moved to a new website. Please use the following link to access the new system:
Kindly update your bookmarks and use the new platform for your courses and learning materials.
Thank you for your cooperation.
IT Department
Box Hill College Kuwait
Dear Students
Please follow the guidelines found in the manual and video below to learn how to login into your Microsoft Team Sessions
Moodle is a customizable, user friendly e-learning management system with a wide range of functionality covering content creation, communication, collaboration, management, and delivery. It also facilitates students tracking and assessment.
For any inquiries or questions, please feel free to reach out to us via email at Moodle@bhck.edu.kw. Your queries will be promptly addressed by our dedicated team.
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